Palazzo Corsini is located on the west bank of the Tiber River, facing, from the opposite side of the river, the Spada Gallery. The palace was built between 1730 and 1740, materializing the architectural guidelines of the late Baroque style. Yet, the building, as it was erected in the 4th decade of the 18th century, is an alteration of a former building on the site, namely, Villa Riario, the 15th century residence of the Riario family, designed by Ferdinando Fuga. Connoisseurs might be able to tell the elements reminiscent of the original edifice from the 18th century additions and modifications. Historically speaking, Villa Riario is retained as the Roman residence of the controversial Queen of Sweden, Christina (who lived here for 30 years, between 1659 and 1689). The palace bears the name of Cardinal Neri Corsini, the one who purchased the former Riario Villa and commissioned its reconstruction.
At present, Palazzo Corsini is home to the National Academy of Science. Yet, what puts it on the tourist map of Rome is its garden, the Botanical Garden of Rome, managed by La Sapienza University. On top of that, the palace proper is also home to the National Gallery of Ancient Art (or, anyway, to parts of its collections, since numerous other exhibits of the gallery are showcased at the Barberini Palace).